Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Vampire Diaries: The Last Day (Season 2, Episode 20)

Elijah explains that Elena will die and be resuscitated by an elixir. Damon wants Bonnie to die trying to save her and everyone else. He says he’ll write her a nice eulogy if she does. If not that, he’d rather try a magical ring. Elijah doubts it would work on her, since she is a doppelganger and thus a supernatural being. If it doesn’t work, Elena comments that she’ll just be dead. Stefan seems surprisingly blasé about this. However, I’m still impressed that Stefan logically realizes that sacrificing one innocent person for another, even if it is his love, is not an option.

Carol Lockwood calls Tyler, saying that she’s in the hospital and needs him. At first it seems as though she has been compelled, but it turns out the white warlock is speaking through her. Then he pushes her over the balcony, but he is so lazy he actually does it with magic. I do wonder though why Elijah got her off vervain in the first place.

Damon drinks “the breakfast of champions” as Stefan says that Elena trusts both of them, so they should trust her. A smart Damon points out that perhaps her instincts aren’t the best. Inside, Elijah seems to be testing Elena. He admits that the elixir might not work, but Elena says she willing to do this to save everyone.

Alaric approaches, and Jenna holds a cross bow to him and yells at him to leave. He proves that he is Alaric by mentioning that the first night they were together, Jeremy walked in on them—literally raising everyone’s eyebrows. Also, the sacrifice is tonight. Elijah looks calm, per usual. All of a sudden, Jenna seems cool with everything.  Alaric asks what he did and says he doesn’t remember anything. Stefan notes that Katherine is vervained and waiting for Klaus to release her.

Matt and Caroline kiss sweetly, and then Matt runs to her mom to tattle. Here, Matt proves himself to be both an excellent liar (to Caroline) and way smarter than I thought. He tells the sheriff that he doesn’t think Caroline is a monster at all and that he doesn’t know what a vampire even is. She says that they’re monsters, the good part is all an act, and that he shouldn’t need any more proof than his sister’s murder. He retorts that she makes just as much sense and points to Damon as the problem. The sheriff admits that even though she was raised to understand the evil of vampires, she still loves her daughter and needs more information.

Dramatic scene alert! Damon says he can’t lose Elena. She clasps his hands and says that he won’t, even though we just heard her tell Elijah she accepts the possibility of death. Also, she says “there is no other way,” even though she refused to be so narrow minded when it came to Bonnie’s death. Damon notes that there is another way: he force feeds her his blood! Stefan rushes up and pushes him away. He is horrified, saying that Damon of all people should know not to make someone a vampire. Damon dares Elena to promise him an eternity of misery but says that she will get over it. They fight. Stefan starts to get the upper hand until Damon stabs him with a piece of wood. Stefan is traumatized by this whole thing. Elena commands Damon to leave. This whole scene almost strikes me as more about Stefan and Damon than about Elena.

Elijah says that the elixir will be useless. Damon says it wouldn’t have worked anyway. Does that mean it’s assumed Elena will be a vampire? There’s really no other way? Elijah also quietly, and not regretfully, tells Damon that he talks a good game but doesn’t know anything. Elena will never forgive him, and if she becomes a vampire, never will be a very long time. Is he drawing specifically from experience with Klaus?

Stefan recovers via donated blood and sincerely thanks Jenna and Alaric for their help. Jenna and Alaric take a step forward in their relationship. For the first time, they seem secure. Something will probably happen to one of them. Elena asks why Damon did this. Stefan doesn’t even bother trying to explain since he did the same thing. He says that he wants her to go somewhere with him.

Tyler’s back! His hair is a little different. He visits his mother in the hospital as cheesy music plays. Jules the Worst arrives and tells Tyler he shouldn’t have come to see his mother. Tyler and Caroline have an awkward reunion. Jules says she’ll give them a couple minutes. Caroline asks why he left without telling her. He still seems in love. Caroline is understandably confused as to why he is friends with a woman who assisted in kidnapping and torturing her. Then warlock and witch kidnap the two of them as Jules sits stupidly in her car. (Or does she?)

Matt leaves a message for Caroline, implying he wants to confess everything. He tenses up as Damon Salvatore walks into the grill. Alaric joins Damon at the bar, confirming Damon’s admission that he messed up. Klaus, looking cute, also shows up. Damon sighs, “Klaus, I presume.” Klaus thanks Alaric for the “loaner,” haha. Damon’s brilliant idea is to ask Klaus for a postponement, which is denied. Klaus doesn’t tell him to be a “good little vampire,” but he does say Damon shouldn’t screw this up. Damon schemes to take the werewolf out of the equation, and wonders if Elena will forgive him. Alaric points out that it won’t matter since he’ll be dead, hee. BUT Alaric is willing to help Damon out! Alaric is so team Damon. What power does Damon have over people he kills?

A very corny Stefan says that Elena knows how she feels about becoming a vampire, but Elena says she can’t talk about it. Then he says she must climb to the top of the waterfall.  They have a bizarre conversation about vampirism. She asks what the best parts are. He says the good is enhanced. The worse, other than the blood, is that everything bad is enhanced. Vampires can become crippled from rage and despair, which is why they usually turn their emotions off. (Cue Damon.) He says he still struggles with this every day. I swear, Stefan is like a vampire Buddha. Elena seems to be holding something back.

Alaric goes home to invite Damon in. Katherine, Alaric, and Damon are somehow kind of hot together. Damon tells Katherine that Elena has vampire blood in her system and paints a picture of Katherine and Elena competing for Stefan forever. She tells him that Caroline and Tyler are hidden in the tomb. Alaric and Damon leave before Klaus returns, only to “compel” Katherine to tell him what she’s been doing. Because she’s been drinking vervain, she lies. He then tells her to take off her bracelet and stand in the sun. Katherine is a mofo and does this as Klaus smiles whiles she burns. Finally he releases her and says, “I guess I was wrong.”

Damon goes to the tomb. The warlock on watch duty asks if Damon is trying to save the blonde or the werewolf. (AKA is Damon gay or straight?) Damon tries to attack, but this guy is super powerful. Just in time, someone shoots the warlock. And it is none other than MATT. Who would have thought? Matt asks about Caroline. Damon claims that he is there to save her before then knocking Matt out and noticing that his bullets are wooden.


Caroline wakes up to find herself captive, again. Tyler is with her. She mentions Klaus, and Tyler asks who he is. Caroline very seriously tells him that he shouldn’t have come back. Caroline explains to Tyler that the Sun and the Moon Curse is a fake. She also wants to know why he left without saying goodbye. Caroline says she felt betrayed, but she could never hate him. (This seems to be a theme – eternal hatred verses forgiveness.) Damon interrupts the moment by mentioning Caroline’s boyfriend Matt and his wooden bullets. Because he isn’t impeded by vervain, Damon easily frees Caroline and, reluctantly, saves Tyler, since Caroline refuses to leave without him.

At the top of the hill (Stefan says he’s climbed Everest), Stefan gets Elena to admit that she doesn’t want to be a vampire, because she isn’t like a certain other foolish girl in romantic vampire literature. He says that he wishes he could be with her forever and that Damon did this because he loves her. She argues that Damon can’t know what love is since he didn’t give her the choice; his act was purely selfish. Elena also says that she really doesn’t know what love is either, since she is only 17. She cries and embraces her guru boyfriend.

Tyler begins to change, and Caroline and Damon collect Matt. Klaus visits the Salvatore/Gilbert mansion to collect Elena; Stefan has a hard time letting her go. Klaus lets the lovebirds make out before Elena tells Stefan to close his eyes and disappears. Elijah, Stefan, and Elena may be more calculated, but you have to love Damon and company for trying. They’re willing to die fighting.

Tyler is transforming faster than usual and scuffles with Damon. Matt looks on in horror.  Stefan calls Damon, but he doesn’t seem upset that Damon is trying to “save the day.” Damon leaves them and confronts Klaus, who tells Katherine to give them a moment. Does that mean she waltzed away? Klaus shows that he has a backup werewolf (Jules), a backup witch, and a backup [crazy impulsive] vampire: Damon.

Tyler goes pursues Caroline and Matt into the cellar. They’re only separated by bars. Tyler lunges at them. At Alaric’s, Katherine revives Damon and says that she had to call another vampire so Klaus would think she was still compelled.

Greta tells Elena that she wasn’t kidnapped. Also, Jenna has been transformed into a vampire, so she can be the sacrifice! Katherine must have pretended to be Elena. But why not use a vampire like Stefan or Damon? Because Damon was bitten by Tyler! Argh!

By the end of this season, Elena will not be a vampire, Damon will not be dead, and Jenna will not be alive. Let’s face it, there are already too many vampires on this show, and she and Alaric were starting to make it work. Also, I’m confused about this sacrifice thing. Was the gang planning to sacrifice everyone, including the werewolf, vampire, etc., but only resurrect Elena? Huh?

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