Monday, January 17, 2011

The Vampire Diaries: Light of the Moon (Season 2, Episode 11)

It's not too long until the second season of The Vampire Diaries continues. Here's a refresher for the last episode.

Tyler Lockwood plays the soothing sounds of his uncle Mason's screams as background music. This will surely help ease his nerves about going through the same excruciating werewolf transformation. He gives Mason's landline a ring and leaves a message referring to the approaching full moon. The sexy lady poking around (or living at?) Mason's house hears this message. She appears concerned, but her reaction is certainly not as awkward as most listerners' would be.

At the Gilberts', Bonnie tells Elena Gilbert that she won't let Elena be used in some "creepy sacrifice ritual." Elena's brother Jeremy and vampire Damon Salvatore side with Bonnie. In fact, the magical Bonnie even casts a spell to trap Elena in her home. This way she can't sacrifice herself to the vampire Klaus, who may kill Elena's loved ones if he can't use her blood to break the curse that keeps most vampires out of the sun. Elena's dear friends rub the fact that she can't escape in her face.

Damon informs his vampire brother Stefan of their plan, noting that Elena's desire for martyrdom rivals Stefan's greatest hits. Katherine, trapped in a tomb with Stefan, rolls her eyes as both boys ignore her and concern themselves with Elena's safety.

Meanwhile, the intrigues surrounding Tyler pile up. He is unaware that Damon killed his uncle Mason. He also doesn't know that history teacher Alaric knows about Mason's demise, Caroline's vampiric nature, and Tyler's werewolf hex. Jules, the woman who heard Tyler's message, shows up at Tyler's door to let him and his mother know that Mason hasn't returned home. After hearing this news and lying to his mother about his whereabouts (Tyler is a terrible liar), he and Caroline (referred to by Damon as "vampire barbie") head out. Caroline proves a much better liar as she insinuates that Mason has just gone surfing.

Jules phones someone, stating that there's another werewolf. Is she working for Klaus or does she have another motive? Alaric and Damon team up to test whether Jules herself is a werewolf by meeting her at the bar and spiking her drink with wolfbane. Rude? Yes. But it's one of the greatest Damon/Alaric moments. Alaric pretends to be the town drunk so Damon can be the suave savior.

Tyler and Caroline scope out the dungeon where Mason tried to change. He startles Caroline by derobing; many probably wonder why she is even remotely upset. Tyler plans to drink wolfbane (which burns his fingers when he touches it) and ties himself up with chains that can pull more than two tons. I really hope his mother doesn't stumble upon her son parading around in front of Caroline, shirtless and wearing S&M gear.

Elena's aunt Jenna asks Elena to help her with some sort of research on the history of their town Mystic Falls. Elena nearly drops her box of papers when she meets Jenna's research assistant - Elijah, a vampire who used to pal around with Klaus. After being "introduced," Elena runs upstairs to tell Jeremy. Elijah is too fast for her. He hides (or rather, stands by the door, but Jeremy doesn't notice because he has earphones hanging around his neck and is an idiot teenager), so Elena instead tells Jeremy that Jenna needs him downstairs. How can she be so calm? Elijah is fantastic but terrifying. Luckily for Elena, Elijah says he wants to kill Klaus. In his opinion, Klaus is paranoid and obsessed with this silly curse and mystical moonstone that can break it. Elijah will use Elena as bate and those "possessed with the gift of magic" to keep her and her friends safe. Talk about a deal with the devil.

Bonnie pays a visit to fellow witch, er, warlock Luka. He is understandably angry at her for recently channeling his power and nearly killing him, but he lets her in anyway. Obviously he has something up his sleeve. Or he just thinks she's hot. Bonnie shows him the moonstone, and the two of them go to the roof to engage in witch sex and bizarre special effects. She thinks the moonstone curse is now removed. He is obviously a very ambiguous figure.

Back at the bar, Jules still isn't drinking her wolfbane. She finally calls Damon and Alaric out: "You've been marked." Everyone, including Damon, wonders if this means she peed on him.

Poor Tyler is suffering like no one else, crying like a baby and wretching like an invalid. Caroline draws close to him as his bones crack and he sobs, "It hurts!" After all the werewolf scenes out there, this is pretty original and powerful. Tyler is reduced to being a little boy again.

Alaric advises Damon to do the smart thing and go home. The big twist: Damon does the smart thing! Unfortunately, it doesn't do him much good. Scaredy cat vampire Rose awaits him. Before they can talk about how Rose still wants to hang out with him, a wolf jumps through the window, rips into Rose's shoulder, and bounds away. Rose doesn't die; she and Damon sigh with relief that the legend of a deadly werewolf bite is a rumor.

In another dungeon/tomb, Katherine and Stefan bond. Katherine composes some sort of rape fantasy (and imagines Stefan stating that he enjoys watching her suffer - but that part might be real): she removes her clothes and forces Stefan to kiss her; he begins to get into it. But no, it was just a dream! Stefan is furious and freaked.

He is saved by Elijah, of all people. Part of Elijah's deal with Elena involves Stefan's release. Elijah's warlock Jonas lowers the spell, but Katherine is out of luck. Elijah compels the unusually terrified Katherine into staying in the tomb. Stefan says a simple goodbye as she watches a boyfriend abandon her for the second time in the past few days. (First Damon, now Stefan.) Well, Katherine, that's what "self-preservation" a.k.a. being heartless and selfish gets you.

Luka gives the moonstone to his father Jonas, who may very well give it to Elijah. Luka isn't pleased with having to trick Bonnie. The moonstone still has the spell. What does this mean? Is Elijah entirely honest? Is Jonas?

Tyler finally completes his transformation by yelling, literally, "rarrrggghhh." It's a little funny, though his torment isn't. He easily breaks his chains (werewolves are strong!), but Caroline makes it to safety. Afterwards, she comforts the broken Tyler, as he is cold and he is chained, lying naked on the floor. [Remember that song? Lyrics sites tell me I am wrong and it is "shamed" not "chained," but I always thought it was chained, so it stays.] They are one intense pair.

By the way, just as Rose and Damon agree to be friends with benefits, her shoulder starts to hurt again. Maybe werewolf bites are fatal after all. THE END.

Tyler and Caroline photo found here: