Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Vampire Diaries: Do Not Go Gentle (Season 3, Episode 20)

1920s? Close enough.

Klaus’s art is interesting, but I can’t help but laugh every time we see him paint. If we just saw the aftermath, that would be okay, but showing him draw only after it was mentioned feels like an afterthought. “Rebekah” (Esther) supposedly gives Klaus the last white oak stake, which he throws into the fire. He wants to leave now that Stefan has turned him down, but his sister/mother asks him to go to the dance. She mentions Caroline. He shows some emotion but says that means nothing to him. “Bekah” then says that he should go for her, his sister, and, after a suspicious look, he agrees. The originals seem very incestuous, but that’s the least of their problems. Also, Caroline/Klaus is the one ship I do not in any way get. Why, just, why would a mass murdering psychopath who cares only about blood relatives and a bloodthirsty vampire go for a bubbly and inexperienced teenager? No eighteen year old would be a challenge for a one thousand year old. Caroline puts up less of a fight than any normal human would.

Alaric’s evil alter ego pretends to be his good self, lying to Damon that he doesn’t know what happened to the stake, and he has to head out into the woods. “Rebekah” returns and refuses to tell Alaric where the real stake is until she’s back in Esther’s body. Alaric stabs her with the special dagger dipped in oak ash. She falls to the ground and the real Esther wakes up. If Esther in Rebekah’s body is still a vampire, how was she able to walk into the cave? I don’t usually care much about inconsistencies like this, but The Vampire Diaries has had one too many mess-ups. It’s getting confusing as to when something is actually important or just a mistake on the writers’ part. On another note, is anyone else sorry that Rebekah will miss yet another dance?

Caroline wonders why Rebekah didn’t show up to set up her own dance. She also ships Matt and Jeremy who are hanging up stars. Caroline’s fairly nonplussed about Elena’s makeout session with Damon, but she insists that Elena take Stefan to the dance. Caroline really likes them together, maybe because of what Stefan’s done for Elena and Caroline, maybe because Caroline doesn’t want anyone to suffer her ex. To be honest, it kind of makes me want Caroline and Stefan to get together down the road, though I love her with Tyler. Also, Bonnie asked Jamie to the dance. Caroline’s probably hoping for a date, as well.

Is Matt the bus boy, no matter the decade?

Elena calls Stefan and awkwardly asks him to the dance. He accepts, and looks concerned but happy. Damon quips about accidentally stabbing Elena in the chest with a corsage, indicating out that Stefan isn’t exactly a safe choice, anywhere. Damon visits Doctor Meredith. He searched Alaric’s apartment, and found that Alaric hadn’t been taking Bonnie’s herbs. Meanwhile, Esther leads Alaric to the place where Klaus ripped out her heart, which is now a tomb. She convinces him to give over his ring. She drops it in a large chalice, melts it with magic, and dips the oak steak into the liquid metal. It hardens. Now it will not burn up after staking one original. She rather cheesily dubs it “the ultimate weapon for the ultimate hunter.” This is explained later, but initially I was puzzling over this phrase. Alaric is a horrible hunter. He couldn’t even kill his very human girlfriend. The ultimate prey, she meant? Except they’ve managed to establish that originals are pretty easy to kill.

At the dance, Caroline tells Matt that Elena is spoken for, and he should watch out for his safety. She then leaves him forever alone at the sight of an adorably dressed Tyler. He certainly fits into the time period. He says that he’s jealous of Klaus, but he’s also competitive. (Would you be jealous of Ted Bundy?) He literally sweeps a giggling Caroline off her feet. Jeremy awkwardly runs into his ex, Bonnie, and her date, the sweet Jamie. She is worried about him still wearing the ring, but Jeremy says that he’ll take off his ring when his sister stops hanging out with vampires.

Stefan picks up Elena from her house, and they share a moment, joking about how they have to go to the dance and live their lives. Does she really have to choose between brothers? Because I have a longer memory than the characters, I’m still a little scared of Stefan. She really should choose neither. Ah well. The two arrive at the dance and joke about Stefan’s 1920s dance moves and blackouts. Killing people sadistically is a barrel of laughs. She wants to dance it up, the way Damon would, but he waits for a slow song to make his move. He doesn’t want to hear about what happened between her and Damon. After all he put her through, he’s just honored to be her date. Judging by her apprehensive expression, she doesn’t seem to want to think about what he put her through.  He also says that he will apologize to Bonnie about her mother, though it will probably be futile. Suddenly, a wild Damon appears.

This is definitely behind the scenes. No one had this much fun.

Damon says that Alaric might kill Elena since she sympathizes with vampires. Oh no, not Elena! Damon wants to put Alaric, his best bud, out of his misery. Jeremy shows up and says Damon’s out of his mind. He’s right about that one. Jeremy also seems to be displaying very strong anti-vampire sentiments. Elena runs outside and into Esther who says that, willing or not, Elena will come. Elena follows. Damon and Stefan stride towards Elena only to realize that they are trapped in the school by a circle of salt. Esther cast a spell.

Jamie likes Bonnie’s friends, in spite of their weirdness. Poor Bonnie says that they’re the most important things in the world to her, and Jamie can’t be that normal since he agreed to go to the dance with her. After she tentatively kisses him, they start making out. Damon interrupts their “seven minutes in heaven” to announce their problem. On the dance floor, Tyler senses Klaus’s presence. Klaus asks where Tyler’s been (“mate”) and notes that he didn’t give him permission to leave. He asks to dance with Caroline. She says no, but Tyler accedes, to make Klaus think he’s still sired. Caroline asks why Klaus has to always prove he’s the alpha male. Klaus amazingly replies, “I don’t have to prove anything, love, I am the alpha male.” He and she dance as she looks at Tyler. He says Caroline would have loved the wild sexy girls of the 1920s who danced until they dropped. She should be nice to him since he’s leaving. She’s unimpressed, but he says that she’ll turn up at his doorstep in a year or a century because a small town life and a small town boy won’t be enough for her. Uh, couldn’t she leave both of these without going to Klaus?

Klaus leaves a phone message for Rebekah about how stupid this dance is. He then asks about the salt surrounding the school. Stefan helpfully says, “You’re mother’s back.” It’s funny to see the Salvatores, Klaus, and miscellaneous humans gathered in a room as Bonnie works her magic. Jeremy suggests that the humans cross the salt threshold to stop Esther, but the vampires look skeptical. Klaus threatens Jamie so Bonnie will work harder. Stefan convinces his ex not to hurt Jamie by claiming that Bonnie will let all the vampires die if they start killing humans.

I have a weakness for blondes. And guys that use hair gel.

In a big twist, Esther reveals that she will turn Alaric into a vampire hunting vampire, like Mikael, as strong as the originals. She will use dark magic to accomplish this. Every time he died and briefly visited the afterlife, Esther made contact with him, nurturing his dark hatred of vampires. Yikes! Unfortunately, I find Alaric’s glowering more humorous than threatening. Elena pleads with Alaric, saying that this isn’t him, he can’t want this. He says this is him and Elena only knows his weakest parts. Vampires are evil, and the blood of their victims are on his hands. First of all, dark Alaric is portrayed as evil, but the fact that the characters don’t care that their lovers and friends are serial killers is downright sociopathic. Elena doesn’t hesitate to refute “evil Alaric,” even after everything vampires have done to her. Second, how many times have we seen Elena plead with someone she loves, and the person, usually a man, says this is his true nature? We don’t need any more scenes like this. Esther cuts and bleeds Elena’s hand with magic. Alaric drinks the blood, and Esther kills him.

Jeremy donates blood so Bonnie can locate Elena. She tries, in spite of Damon and Klaus “lurking” over her. Damon doesn’t want to apologize, since he blames Elijah for Abby’s “death.” Bonnie says there’s always a choice. Esther is fighting her, so Bonnie can’t locate Elena. Bonnie guesses that Esther’s channeling a hotspot. Klaus knows where. Caroline is mad at Stefan for letting the humans leave to find Esther. But she tries to calm him. Stefan doesn’t want anybody to die, including Tyler, who has joined Stefan’s “I once loved but now hate Klaus” club. He wonders if killing Klaus will be the best option. Caroline says she doesn’t want Tyler to die because she loves him.

Esther tries to convince Elena that Jenna is in a peaceful place as she was pure, even as a vampire. Also, she refutes Elena’s claim that she is as bad as Klaus, killing the good with the bad. I have to agree with Esther—the “good” vampires have still murdered innocents. Klaus has eaten and tortured countless people who never hurt anyone. Still, Esther is ruthless. When Jeremy and Matt appear, Esther makes them point their weapons at one another. Alaric awakens and stabs Esther. He is confused. As Esther said, he would be himself for a little while.

I'm serious, Tyler! You're the cutest gangster I've ever seen.

Klaus blames Stefan for releasing his mother in the name of revenge. Stefan says he’s done with revenge. Klaus tries to reminisce about the 1920s, which had real moments of friendship and brotherhood. He says, “We’re strange bedfellows, you and I,” and I can’t help but misconstrue that. (Or am I misconstruing it?) Damon jumps in saying Stefan already has a brother, “not to get all territorial.” Klaus says he knows about the Salvatore’s epic bond, but it might weaken when Elena makes her choice. Bonnie says the spell is broken, and Klaus skedaddles. Stefan thanks her, but she says she didn’t do it for him.

Alaric doesn’t want to complete his transition. Jeremy is disappointed that yet another family member will die. Alaric says that his friend Damon will make sure everything goes down. Elena starts blaming herself again, but Alaric states that taking care of them was the closest to the life he imagined. I laughed aloud when I saw the townspeople (aka the cast) waiting outside with torches to honor Alaric. Still, their expressions are somber. Damon’s is especially heartbreaking. Alaric the unstoppable killing machine sounds extremely dangerous, so he deserves to be honored for his decision. Matt and Bonnie are teary about their teacher’s impending death, and Meredith, who hardly knows him, is also upset. Alaric walks back into the tomb and shuts the door. Wah!

Klaus undaggers his sister and yells at his mother’s corpse. He hopes she will be haunted by his existence for eternity. Yadda yadda he’s an egomaniac, etc.  Matt and Jeremy share a drink at the bar. “To Mr. Saltzman,” Matt says. Jeremy sheds a single tear after correcting him, “Alaric.” Elena freaks out as she cleans Alaric’s locker of his vampire hunting weapons. Stefan takes her into the gym and says that “someone” told him that emotions, good and bad, are what make us human. She thinks that was horrible advice and can’t accept that she has no one. Stefan says that she has him.

Damon drinks and mourns. Meredith gave him a sedative so he wouldn’t suffer. Damon’s insulted that Alaric refused his neck snap option. Meredith tells him to go visit Alaric. In a painful but poignant scene, Damon apologizes for killing Alaric, who teases Damon about the romantic dream he gave to Rose before she died. Tears roll down Alaric’s face, and the two drinking buddies celebrate the way they always do: with liquor.

Jamie thinks Bonnie’s amazing and asks if she’ll be okay by herself. She says no, so he plans to stay and comfort her. Bonnie and Jamie spoon on her bed. She dreams that Esther visits her, saying that her sisters need Bonnie to finish this. Damon watches his friend die. He stumbles outside to find Bonnie. He thinks she’s sleepwalking. She gives him a vampire migraine before stabbing her hand and feeding Alaric blood. He transitions into a vampire, bites her neck, and grabs the stake. So was all that “goodbye Alaric” stuff just manipulative, or is that really the last we’ll see of the Alaric we know?

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Vampire Diaries: Heart of Darkness (Season 3, Episode 19)

I've been compelled not to care.

Alaric is locked up in a cell. Damon slips him a copy of Jekyll and Hyde. Elena says Stefan told her to go on a road trip with Damon to see how she feels about him. They will pick up Jeremy in Denver. Alaric is surprised at Stefan’s attitude, but he doesn’t seem to think it’s his business to disapprove, at this point. Stefan tells Damon that he will find out from Alaric where the other white stake is. Damon is skeptical since Stefan is good again. Apparently there’s no road trip, Elena and Damon are flying first class.

Caroline is horrified to discover that Rebekah has changed the decade dance’s theme from 70s to 20s. Rebekah doesn’t know what Klaus sees in Caroline with her affinity for tacky years. Caroline says maybe it’s because she doesn’t sleep with everyone she makes eye contact with. Matt tries to interrupt this battle of the blondes by suggesting they do both, but the ladies are adamantly against that. Besides Matt has to admit that the 20s are cooler. It turns out, this was all an act to excuse Caroline’s exit. Apparently, she will also take a trip to find Tyler.

Elena and Damon find Jeremy. Damon quips that next time he compels him, he should make Jeremy better at baseball. They want him to commune with Rose, which he doesn’t think is possible. It turns out one of his friends is Kol. Someone on tumblr mentioned that. I thought it would be hilarious and stupid, but the writers decided on it. Kol is extremely easy to “kill.” After he hits Damon with a baseball bat, Damon stabs him with its shards. He tells Jeremy that he should have been suspicious when he made a friend so quickly, considering his personality. They go to a motel, and Jeremy asks about Rose. Damon describes the dream he gave her before she died, and Rose appears to Jeremy.

A vampire!

It’s interesting that Stefan has a worse relationship with both Jeremy and Alaric than Damon does. Stefan gives Alaric some booze and explains that Elena has to go on that trip with Damon, and Stefan probably has to torture Alaric. Alaric says that his alter ego is driven by his anger. He hopes that Jeremy’s alter ego is a pot smoking hippy pacifist. Stefan thinks the other Alaric is too judgmental, and he’s not Alaric; he’s the darkest parts of Alaric. How can they be so sure of this? Couldn’t he be possessed? Obviously Stefan is referring to his vampire side as well. Klaus comes in, carrying the stake that Stefan left lying around. Stefan explains that they should find the stake and destroy it to save the both of them as well as other vampires. After hearing this, Klaus decides not to immediately kill Alaric. Well, he does kill Alaric, but he’s wearing his life-saving ring. Stefan basically shakes his head at his boyfriend’s violent antics.

Rose still thinks Damon’s hot; Damon also asks about her. She says she’s rooting for him and Elena. Jeremy translates some version of this. She is also happy. Unfortunately she was sired by “Scary Mary” Porter, not an original. But she will try to figure something out. Stefan and Damon fill each other in. Stefan seems concerned that Damon and Elena are staying at a love shack. Jeremy asks about Elena and Damon.

Matt drives a suspicious Rebekah home. He just says that it’s sad that she can’t trust anyone. 1) Matt, don’t do this to Rebekah. 2) But I kind of like you, Matt. 3) This Rebekah constantly gets pwned thing is getting old. 4) I totally like them together. Inside, Rebekah finds her mother, who looks even younger than before. Rebekah is shocked, scared, and ready to kill her. But Esther says that she is dying. Rebekah tearfully says that Esther’s loving reunion isn’t going to happen. Esther says that she has been watching over Rebekah’s joys and especially pains for 1,000 years. No one should live that long. But Rebekah heartbreakingly says that she hasn’t lived. Due to Abby’s vampirism, Esther’s connection to the Bennett witches has been broken, and she dies, even more pathetically than Finn. Even Klaus is somber when he sees his dead mother.

Batter up!

Caroline finds Tyler in the woods, and it’s way over the top, and they start having sex. But a serious looking Tyler says, “You have no idea how much I missed you,” and I’m so relieved that they’re back together again. Tyler, looking hot, turned about 100 times. He says he feels freer, different, and more himself, but he has to test whether his sire bond will work. Caroline informs him that unfortunately, when Matt killed an original (Tyler is stunned), they discovered that vampires from that bloodline die. She says Damon doesn’t care about Tyler. He will kill Klaus if he didn’t sire the Salvatores. Did we actually hear this discussed?

Elena hilariously ogles Damon’s partly naked body. He is surprised to catch her gaze. She shuts her eyes before boldly opening them again. He gets in bed with her and she asks why he didn’t tell her about what he did for Rose, and why he doesn’t let people see his good side. He says he doesn’t want them to expect good. She starts to cry/heavily breathe and they hold hands. Then she gets up to get a drink outside. He follows her. She says “don’t.” He asks why. Then she turns around, runs to him, passionately kisses him, and they have a hot and sexy make out section. At the beginning of this scene, I was laughing at how bad it was. But the end of the scene is glorious. Jeremy interrupts their sexy time with news that Rose found Mary. He looks at Elena judgmentally. Jeremy, Elena has been there for you throughout your bad decisions. Elena looks confused but liberated.

Alaric wakes up. Stefan spent the night reading Moby Dick. Alaric takes his ring off because he thinks the only way his alter ego will make an appearance is if he thinks he’s going to die. Stefan doesn’t want to hurt Alaric, but he attacks him. Stefan is pretending to be in the mafia, but Alaric doesn’t think he’s trying hard enough. Stefan knocks out a tooth causing profuse bleeding. Stefan is afraid of his bloodlust, and Alaric thinks that is the key. Stefan refuses to give in. He knocks Alaric against the wall, and the other Alaric appears. He calls Stefan weak, pathetic, a monster, but Stefan can’t even get that right. I love Stefan’s expression here. He is still in bloodlust mode, but happy and shocked to finally get the other Alaric.

My friends aren't real?! At least my decision to move to Denver was entirely real.

Jeremy shows Elena and Damon Mary’s house, and they tell Jeremy to stay behind. I don’t know why, except to allow Jeremy to make a crack about them making out. Apparently, Damon the sex God also hooked up with the super creepy, super old, but not ugly Mary. They find her stabbed to the wall. Kol sits there with a bat in his hands: “Quite contrary.” He says that Mary was an original groupie. She literally did it with all the originals who were alive while she was. He throws Elena and beats on Damon to make up for his brother’s death (yay Finn! He cares about Finn!) and Damon’s multiple attempts on Kol’s life.

After Kol leaves, Damon realizes that Elena is testing her feelings for him based on what Stefan said. She points out that every time there’s a bump in the road Damon lashes out and sabotages himself. He romantically asks what if he DIDN’T? What if there are no bumps? Her eyes glaze over; it’s an enticing and scary prospect. Damon awesomely says he will take the high road, so the decision she makes is not easy.

Stefan wails on Alaric and threatens to kill him. Alaric says the stake is in the cave where vampires can’t enter. Stefan immediately leaves to find Klaus and Rebekah in his living room. Rebekah yanks Alaric to the caves, and Stefan breaks up with Klaus. No! Or I guess they’ve already broken up, so he crushes Klaus’s hopes. He asks Klaus to kill him, and Klaus says maybe he will. Stefan calls him out and says that he obviously doesn’t want to since he hasn’t killed him so far. Klaus says he knows his friend the ripper is right beneath the surface. Stefan said that he’s accepted that part of himself so Klaus and that side cannot control him: “Now get out of my house, you abusive ex-boyfriend.”

Elena, I know one cure for being beaten up by an original. Back to the love shack, quick!

Rose articulates to Jeremy team Delena. She, with her years of wisdom, says that Damon is good for Elena. He surprises her and is either the worst thing or the best thing for her. Stefan’s love is pure and he will always be good for her. This argument sounds like a justification for those fiery, horrible relationships that sometimes end with one partner being killed. I am not in favor of those, and they don’t always last that long. Not to mention, is Stefan really always good for Elena?

Interestingly, Caroline indicates that she will go against Damon’s wishes if Klaus didn’t sire Damon. Tyler finds Klaus’s drawing and idiotically says that he will spend the night somewhere else. He just tortured himself to be with her. If Caroline had something to hide, she wouldn’t leave the drawing lying around. And does he think she’s really so weak as to fall for someone who did this to him? Still: did she just think the drawing was nice? It is completely stupid that she didn’t burn it. I would be terrified.  If anything happens between Klaus and Caroline, it better be because she becomes darker. I do not see an ounce of logic in their relationship as it stands. Elsewhere, Alaric finds the stake and says that there’s only one, so if Rebekah helps him, only one original has to die. Rebekah steps right into that cave, and, in a twist I didn’t see coming, reveals that she is Esther. She still wants all the originals to die, so the two of them have a lot in common. What happened to Rebekah?